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What’s the meaning of “Grade A” Cells on my new replacement laptop battery?

Laptop battery resellers are bringing a misunderstanding by using just the word “A grade cell” to mislead the users.

In brief, What we called “Grade A cells” are usually defined by the manufacturer themselves. They have different standards to define the level of cells quality. Therefore. “GRADE A” means NOTHING. Besides, It has been used by thousands of amazon battery retailers and online stores as a marketing phrase designed to convey a sense of top quality and performance.  

There are A, B, C for the level of battery cells. Probably manufacturers will grade the cell they produce so as to categorize the performance difference by just what they produce. so we can be known, one manufacturer’s Grade a may be equal to another grade B or worse.  

You may be doubted and keep thinking If it means nothing, why do I frequently see the seller on eBay or amazon address that all their batteries use only grade A cells?

That’s a good question. As we know it’s totally free for them to use this term as their marketing slogan. They want to attract customers with their cheap quote, amazing cycle time, and safety to beat the branded batteries vendors like Sony .dell HP. How else they can convince you to trust their batteries are equivalent to the branded suppliers.?

From a safety perspective, There are a lot of batteries designer companies and manufacturers in china. But barely are suitable for selling in EU or US markets. it really is akin to playing Russian roulette with a flammable and possibly explosive product.

In the end, a battery pack that claims to have been made of “Grade A cells” may still yield poor performance because it was made with poor manufacturing processes and older technology.

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